While the Board of Management has a duty to safeguard the health and safety of pupils when they are engaged in authorised school activities this does not imply a duty upon teachers to personally undertake the administration of medicines.
The Board of Management requests parents ensure that teachers be made aware in writing of any medical condition suffered by any children in their class.
- Non-prescriptive and/or prescribed medicines will not be stored or administered to pupils in school
- Certain medicines, such as inhalers used by asthmatic children, must be readily accessible at all times of the school day for the purposes of safe-keeping only
- If your child is on a course of antibiotics, the Board advises that the child remain at home until the course is completed
- No teacher can be required to administer medicine or drugs to a pupil
- In emergency situations qualified medical assisstance will be secured at the earliest opportunity
- Where a child is suffering from a life threatening condition, parents should outline clearly in writing, what can and can’t be done in a particular emergency situation, with particular reference to what may be at risk to the child
- Parents are further required to indemnify the Board of Management and authorised members of staff in respect of any liability that may arise regarding the medical condition of the child
- Where possible the family doctor should arrange for the administration of prescibed medicines outside of school hours.
Parents should ensure that these procedures are clearly understood before submitting any request to the Board of Management
This policy will be reviewed as and when necessary.
Board of Management of St. Patrick’s N.S., Lurgybrack