Code of Conduct
The staff and Board of Management of St. Patrick’s National School recognise that good behaviour and conduct is based on good relations between parents/guardians, child and school. In St. Patrick’s NS we hope to foster this ideal in co-operation with our parents/guardians. We have adopted a positive code of behaviour with emphasis on encouragement and reward so that good behaviour can prevail in our school. The Board of Management of the school has ultimate responsibility for behaviour in the school. Within the school, the overall day to day responsibility for behaviour rests with the Principal. Each teacher has the responsibility for the maintenance of good behaviour and good order within his/her classroom while sharing a common responsibility for good behaviour within the school premises. Parents/guardians have a responsibility to support the school by encouraging their children to understand the need for school rules, reinforcing good standards of behaviour with their own children and by communicating any relevant concerns to the school in the appropriate way.
- Aims & Principles of the code
- -To create a positive learning environment that encourages and reinforces good behaviour
- -To promote self-esteem and positive relationships
- -To encourage consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviours
- -To foster a sense of responsibility and self-discipline in pupils and to support good behaviour patterns based on consideration and respect for the rights of others
- -To enable teachers to teach without disruption
- -To ensure that the school’s expectations and strategies are widely known and understood through the school website, newsletters, availability of policies and an ethos of open communication
- -To encourage the involvement of both home and school in the implementation of this policy
School Rules
- We always do as a member of staff requests straight away and in a quiet manner.
- We sit at our place of work and allow others to work as well.
- We show respect for all staff at all times during the school day.
- We show respect for all other pupils.
- Bullying in any form is strictly forbidden.
- Bad language in class or in the school environment will not be tolerated.
- School uniform must be worn except on P.E. days.
- Mobile phones or similar electronic devices are not allowed in school.
These can be summed up as 6 Golden Rules:
- We listen. We don’t interrupt.
- We are gentle. We don’t hurt others.
- We are honest. We tell the truth.
- We are kind. We share and care for others.
- We work hard. We don’t waste time.
- We look after property. We don’t damage things.
Class Rules
At the beginning of each academic year the class teacher will draft a list of class rules with the children, based closely on our school rules. Class rules will be kept to a minimum and are devised with regard for the health, safety and welfare of all members of the school community. They emphasise positive behaviour (e.g. ‘Walk’ and not ‘Don’t run’). Rules will be applied in a fair and consistent manner, with due regard to the age of the pupils and to individual difference. Where difficulties arise, parents will be contacted at an early stage.
Incentives/Reward System
All teachers in St. Patrick’s NS will operate a reward/positive reinforcement system within their classroom. This will be explained to children at the beginning of the school year and will be operated on a consistent basis. Rewards will be given to children based on this system in order to incentivise good behaviour. Children will be encouraged, praised and listened to by adults in the school.
The following are some samples of how praise will be given:
- A quiet word or gesture to show approval
- A comment in a pupil’s copy or homework journal
- A visit to another member of staff or to the Principal for commendation
- A word of praise in front of a group or class
- Delegating some special responsibility or privilege
- A mention to parent, written or verbal communication
- Reward at school assembly
The Principal will lead an assembly for pupils at least once a month. This will be an opportunity to reinforce the Catholic ethos of the school as well as good conduct among the pupils. High standards of work and behaviour will be emphasised. Classmate of the Month awards will be given out at assemblies to pupils chosen by their teacher as having shown excellent standards of behaviour and kindness towards others. Award winners will be photographed and displayed on a notice board in a prominent position within the school.
Unacceptable Behaviour
Three levels of misbehaviour are recognised by this policy;
- Minor
- Serious
- Gross
Dealing with instances of unacceptable behaviour is the responsibility of the class teacher, the supervising teacher at break-times or the teacher who observes the behaviour. Any instances of misbehaviour dealt with at break times should also be brought to the attention of the class teacher.
In cases of repeated serious misbehaviour, or single instances of gross misbehaviour, parents will be involved at an early stage and invited to meet the teacher and/or the principal to discuss their child’s behaviour.
Any time a pupil receives a red card (detention) through an accumulation of 2 yellow cards, or for a single serious misdemeanour, the card will be sent home to be signed.
Examples of minor, serious and gross misbehaviour are set out below. These are not comprehensive lists but rather examples of the types of behaviour which may fall into each category. If pupils engage in behaviour which is not detailed on the list, but which is still deemed by the teacher/principal to be unacceptable, that pupil will be subject to the code of discipline.
Examples of minor misbehaviour include:
- -Being discourteous/unmannerly towards any members of staff or fellow pupil
- -Bringing electronic equipment or mobile-phones to school – If pupils bring these items to school they will be confiscated and kept in the principal’s office until collected by a parent or guardian. They will not be given back to the pupil.
- -Not wearing appropriate uniform
- -Not following instructions
Examples of serious misbehaviour include:
- -Behaviour that is hurtful (including *bullying, harassment, discrimination and victimisation)
- -Using foul language
- -Behaviour that interferes with teaching and learning
- -Threats or physical hurt to another person
- -Damage to property
- -Theft
Examples of gross misbehaviour include:
- -Assault on a teacher or pupil
- -Aggressive, threatening or violent behaviour towards a teacher or pupil
- -Serious Theft
- -Serious damage to property
- -Repeated *bullying (including online abuse)
- -Carrying drugs, alcohol, cigarettes
- -Leaving school/school activities without permission.
- -Bringing dangerous equipment to school
*Cases of Bullying will be dealt with using the school’s Anti-bullying policy which has been devised using the guidelines set out in Departmental Circular 0045/2013.
The purpose of a sanction is to bring about a change in behaviour by:
- helping children to learn that their behaviour is unacceptable
- helping children to recognise the effect of their actions and behaviour on others
- helping children (in ways appropriate to their age and development) to understand that they have choices about their own behaviour and that all choices have consequences
- helping children to learn to take responsibility for their behaviour
The following steps may be taken when a child behaves inappropriately. The list is by no means exhaustive. Teachers may use alternative measures bearing in mind the circumstances involved. The aim of any sanction is to prevent the behaviour occurring again and if necessary to help the pupil devise strategies for this.
- Reasoning with pupil
- Verbal reprimand including advice on how to improve
- Temporary separation from peers within class and/or temporary removal to another class (only class of same age group or older)
- Writing out the story of what happened
- Loss of privileges*
- Detention during break
- Communication with parents
- Referral to Principal
- Principal communicating with parents
- Exclusion (Suspension or Expulsion) from school (in accordance with Rule 130 of the Rules for National Schools as amended by circular and Education Welfare Act 2000)
*School tours, participation in school teams, sports days, attendance at special events and certain extra-curricular activities, golden time, access to football courts are dependent on a consistent standard of good behaviour from pupils. The school has an entitlement to expect good manners, good conduct and adherence to school rules from all its pupils. Pupils who do not meet the set standards must be aware that they are potentially denying themselves the opportunity to participate in activities such as, but not limited to, those listed above.
Card System
St. Patrick’s NS operates a system of yellow and red behaviour cards to encourage good conduct. The issuing of cards will depend on the nature of the misbehaviour and the circumstances in which the behaviour occurs. A list of the three categories of unacceptable behaviour is set out in this policy.
Children in St. Partick’s N.S. are reminded on an on-going basis of what constitutes acceptable behaviour. Good behaviour and conduct are reinforced constantly through lessons, classrooms rules, assemblies, circle time, modelling of behaviour by staff etc. Positive reinforcement of good and desirable behaviour is the stated aim of this policy but children are aware that there are consequences for unacceptable behaviour. The card system of the school has been devised to complement this ethos of positive reinforcement and fair sanctions.
Yellow Cards:
- A yellow card may be given for continuous minor misbehaviour and/or for a single instance of serious misbehaviour.
- When a yellow card is given it will be sent home with pupil and must be returned signed to school the following day.
- If a pupil receives a second yellow card this equates to a red card and detention.
- It is expected that parents will speak with their child regarding their behaviour.
- The class teacher will reinforce the message of changing behaviour and making good choices with pupils who have received their first card.
- If a pupil receives no further cards in a given term, the card they previously received will not carry over to the next term. This is so pupils who make an effort to improve their conduct are rewarded.
Red Cards:
- A red card is issued to give notice of detention.
- Red cards will usually be issued after the accumulation of two yellow cards within one term.
- Red cards can also be issued immediately for single instances of serious and/or gross misbehaviour. This can be done regardless of any previous yellow cards issued.
- Red cards must be signed and returned to school the following day. Again, it is expected that parents will talk to pupils regarding their behaviour.
- Any pupil placed on detention will be spoken to by the school principal about their behaviour.
NB: In certain cases of serious and/or gross misbehaviour, where it is necessary to ensure that order and discipline are maintained and to secure the safety of pupils and staff, an immediate suspension for a period not exceeding three school days can be given.
Suspension and Expulsion
When a pupil is involved in repeated instances of unacceptable behaviour, a meeting will take place between the parents/guardians of that pupil, the class teacher and school principal.
If a meeting between parents/guardians of a pupil, class teacher and principal has taken place but there are still repeated instances of unacceptable behaviour, the Chairperson of the Board of Management will be informed and the parents will be requested in writing to attend at the school to meet the Chairperson and the principal.
Parents will be requested to give an undertaking regarding the pupil’s behaviour into the future and the situation will be kept under ongoing review. If, in spite of parental undertakings, the behaviour does not improve or if parents refuse to give undertakings regarding pupil’s future behaviour, suspension will follow.
Prior to suspension, where possible, the Principal may review the case in consultation with teachers and other members of the school community involved. Records of previous misbehaviours, their pattern and context, sanctions and other interventions used and any relevant medical information may be taken into consideration. Suspension will be in accordance with the Rules for National Schools and the Education Welfare Act 2000.
As previously stated, in the case of gross misbehaviour an immediate suspension for a period not exceeding three school days may be given.
Expulsion may be considered in an extreme case, in accordance with the Rule for National Schools and the Education Welfare Act 2000. Before suspending or expelling a pupil, the Board shall notify the Education Welfare Officer in writing in accordance with Section 24 of the Education Welfare Act.
The school reserves the right to arrange a meeting with the parents/guardians of a child at any time, should the child’s behaviour be deemed to be unacceptable. If a parent refuses to meet with a class teacher the matter will be referred to the Principal. Any refusal to meet with the Principal and/or Chairperson will automatically be referred to the Board of Management and regarded as a serious breach of co-operation in our school’s code of conduct.
Removal of Suspension (Reinstatement)
Following or during a period of suspension set by the Board of Management, parents/guardians may apply in writing to have the pupil reinstated in the school. Parents/guardians and the pupil in question must give satisfactory undertakings that said suspended pupil will behave in accordance with the school’s code of discipline. The Principal must be satisfied that the pupil’s reinstatement will not constitute a risk to the pupil’s own safety or that of the other pupils or staff.
The Principal will facilitate the preparation of a behaviour plan for the pupil if this has not already occurred. A meeting of the Board of Management will be held to consider the reinstatement of the suspended pupil.
Children with Special Needs
All children are required to comply with the code of behaviour. However, the school recognises that children with special needs may require assistance in understanding certain rules. Specialised behaviour plans will be put in place in consultation with parents and relevant staff.
These members of staff will work closely with home to ensure that optimal support is given. Cognitive development will be taken into account at all times. Professional advice from psychological assessments will be used to inform actions taken.
The children in the class or school may be taught strategies to assist a pupil with special needs adhere to the rules and thus provide peer support. This will be done in a supportive and safe way, acknowledging and respecting the difference in all individuals.
The role of the Board of Management in the school Code of Behaviour
The Board of Management undertake to;
- Maintain and promote the ethos of the school.
- Ensure effective management and provision in the school.
- Provide management structures which will facilitate the Principal and staff in the fulfilment of the school’s aims and objectives.
- Be responsible for all staff in the school.
The Board of Management will ensure that:
(a) The needs of the pupils are identified and responded to
(b) The general educational provisions within the school are of a high quality and meet the requirements prescribed by the Department of Education and Science.
(c) Management and staff development needs are identified and provided for, within the resources available.
(d) That procedures are in place to ensure that parents can assist in the implementation of the school’s ‘Code of Behaviour’ and receive full information on all aspects of their children’s school life and their progress.
(e) That the school complies with the rules and regulations prescribed by the Department of Education and Skills.
The role of Staff in the School Code of Behaviour
- All staff will work towards creating a positive environment conducive to teaching and learning.
- All staff will strive to help each pupil reach their full potential through effective instruction methods.
- All staff will strive to ensure the pupils safety and well-being at all times.
- All staff will be fair and consistent in their approach to discipline and problem-solving, both in the classroom situation and in the school yard during play times and during P.E. lessons.
- Each teacher has responsibility for the maintenance of good behaviour and good order within his/her classroom using the Code of Behaviour.
- All staff recognise the importance of a whole school/team approach to the maintenance of good discipline.
Principal specific roles;
- Principal has responsibility for discipline on a day to day basis within the school.
- Principal will support teaching staff in operating and implementing the Code of Behaviour.
- Teachers may consult with principal regarding any misbehaviour if required. Instances of serious or gross misbehaviour will always involve the principal in some form, as is outlined under ‘Sanctions’.
- Principal will, along with teaching staff, endeavour to promote positive home/school links.
- Principal will provide support to teaching staff in the maintenance of good behaviour thorough the operation of the Code of Behaviour.
- Principal may consult with other staff (e.g. special ed, in-school management etc), NEPS or any other outside support agency in relation to the promotion and maintenance for good behaviour.
The role of Parents/Guardians in the Schools Code of Behaviour
Parents/Guardians will;
- Support and reinforce and support the school’s ‘Code of Behaviour’, co-operating with the school’s rules and system of rewards and sanctions
- Sign and return any yellow and red cards issued.
- Encourage their children to do their best and to take responsibility for their work.
- Attending meetings at the school if requested
- Help their children with homework and ensuring that it is completed and homework diaries signed.
- Ensure their children have the necessary books and materials for school
- Ensure their children always wear the correct school uniform. Please note: No make-up, hoop or long ear rings or any other piercings are permitted.
- Share any relevant information with the school which may affect a pupil’s behaviour.
- Ensure that their children attend school, punctually, for commencement of classes each morning.
- Inform the school, in writing, of any absences and illnesses on a template absence note issued in the school diary.
- Ensure that their child has a healthy lunch in line with school policy each day.
- Collect their children promptly from school at 1:40p.m. and 2:40p.m.
The role of the pupils in the school Code of Behaviour.
- Pupils are expected to follow the six golden rules of the school at all times.
- Each child is expected to be well behaved and to show consideration and respect to other children and adults in school and in all school related activities e.g. school tours, sports outings, theatre/cinema trips, swimming, Church outings and any other out of school activities etc.
- Each child is expected to show respect for the property of other children, property of the school and their own belongings
- Each child is expected to obey classroom rules.
- Each child is expected to wear the correct school uniform and adhere to requirements regarding jewellery and make-up.
- Each child is expected to attend school regularly and to be punctual.
Bullying is repeated aggression – physical, verbal or emotional – conducted by an individual or group against another or others.
- PHYSICAL: includes pushing, shoving, punching, kicking, poking, tripping, etc.
- VERBAL: name calling which hurts, insults or humiliates.
- EMOTIONAL: threats or persistent hurtful remarks regarding sensitive areas e.g. appearance, dress, progress, colour, culture and disability. Isolating or shunning a child. Threats to extort money or possessions. Cyber or text bullying.
The school takes particular care to intervene early in responding to the needs, fears or anxieties of individual pupils in a sensitive manner. Issues in relation to bullying are explored continually during SPHE lessons and using Circle Time, Drama etc.
Should a parent/guardian have any concerns which need to be discussed, teachers will facilitate a meeting made through the proper channels. As per agreed procedures, the first person to be informed of concerns should be the class teacher.
Isolated incidents of aggressive behaviour, while never to be condoned, cannot be described as bullying. Cases of Bullying will be dealt with in the first instance through the Anti-Bullying policy of the school but the Code of Behaviour and the Anti-Bullying policy may be use concurrently depending on the circumstances of particular cases.
This policy was ratified by the Board of Management of St. Patricks NS in January 2020.