On top of a hill for all to see

There’s a big new school for you and for me,

It started as a plan just like a seed,

That grew into a beautiful tree.

Now it’s finished, now it’s complete,

To gaze upon is such a treat.

Bold are the colours,

That meet you in the hall.

White is the colour of most of the walls.

Doors with a splash of green, blue or yellow,

All of these colours uplifting and mellow.

Sara is there when you walk through the door

She’ll greet you with a smile and more

She’ll tell you all you need to know

Open the door and off you go.

Owen, our caretaker is known by all

A friend, a worker, a carer to all.

A loyal fan he is to Mayo,

A match never missed, a match we all know,

The day Donegal stole Sam from Mayo.

We owe a lot to Ms Foxe,

Her brain is always our gain

She works so hard for the sake of the school,

She is the best woman ever to rule.

Our new Autism Centre is wonderful,

With eleven children in total.

A little playground just for them,

I’d say the fun never ends.

I love that it’s there, it connects us forever

Two worlds, once apart, now together.

The tree of light shines so bright,

With every shade of colour

It shines on us as we grow together

One and all, Forever.

By Michaela Galvin, 6th Class